Blue Sky Summit

18/12/21 We unveiled our two latest acquisitions, two Pipistrel Velis Electro electric planes and emphasize our commitment to sustainable aviation.
We unveiled our two latest acquisitions, two Pipistrel Velis Electro electric planes registered respectively OO-GRN and OO-ELC. They are “the only ones certified in the world” and are presented for the first time in Belgium. They will be used at the ASL Academy for training of young pilot students. Philippe Bodson, CEO of ASL Group explains that these planes, which cost nearly 200,000 euros, can only fly for one hour on a full battery, but that is enough to train young pilots in basic manoeuvres. But above all, it emphasizes our ambitions in search of sustainable aviation. Additionally, these aircraft will be operated from a brand new General Aviation Terminal in Liege; a building equipped with numerous ecological innovations.
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