ASL nominated as Trends Gazelle for the year 2021

ASL nominated as Trends Gazelle for the year 2021


We are very proud to announce our nomination as a one of the Trends Gazelles - Trends Gazellen by Trends and Trends-Tendances in the category "medium-size company" for 2021.

For 20 years now, the editors of Trends-Tendances and Trends have been selecting from 50 to 250 Trends Gazelles within each Belgian province. These growing companies are not only a source of energy for the economy but also a real inspiration for entrepreneurs.

The title of Trends Gazelle is recognized in the business world because of its national reputation and regional recognition.

The selection of Trends Gazelles is established on the basis of growth figures: Growth in added value over the last 5 accounting years, Staff growth and Cash flow growth.


Philippe Bodson, CEO of ASL Group:

"I am thrilled and deeply honored to accept this nomination on behalf of ASL.

It is a very important recognition of the devotion and of the passion that drives our Teams on a daily basis. It also highlights the hard work that we have all put into turning ASL into a success story along the years"


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